Founded in 2020, Sea Green is a Singapore based start-up seeking to solve the connectivity gaps in the blue economy. A small, highly-driven team of experts from diverse backgrounds, we strive to bring change on a global scale during this UN Decade of Action.​ Basing our activities and ambitions on research carried out by our parent company Asia Affinity, we are a value-addition solution, leveraging digital technology to support coastal community development and sustainable growth of the seaweed industry.​ By working collaboratively across sectors, but always maintaining a clear sense of duty to our partner communities, we hope to bring real change to the world, moving the dial on livelihood resilience, food security and climate change.​ Sea Green’s digital ecosystem platform connects seaweed value chain actors together through data. Offering value add front-end services through web and mobile apps, the platform creates collection channels for a wide range of value chain information. This is collected and stored for analysis and connectivity to other services, driving research, iterative improvement and provision of new services back into the value chain.​

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Sea Green
Organization Type:
Aquaculture, Marketplace / E-commerce, Traceability
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