SgaraHatchery uses Computer Vision and AI to help hatcheries count their larvae in a few taps and manage their tanks and shipments.

It is able to count shrimp larvae with an error margin of less than 1%. From counting to managing tanks and shipments all in one app, allowing hatcheries to increase their efficiency and keep track of all their data.

An AI-driven farm management system to monitor farms on a daily basis from day one to harvest. Our system will automate data reporting and is equipped with an early warning system to prevent disease.

Financing farms through supplying feed and probiotics. This feed and probiotics financing allows farmers to buy all their supplies and are repaid at harvest.

Sgara, a one-stop platform for shrimp farming. We are a data-driven farm advisory and marketplace solutions for Shrimp farmers.

With AI, we interpret real-time data inputs from farms and provide insightful solutions. Assisting farmers with our end-to-end services such as farm management and access to suppliers nationwide.

We provide an AI-powered mobile and web-based smart farm management system, recording data through inputs throughout the cycle. We provide insights based on these data and send alerts and notifications for each day’s analysis. Our system is able to create tailored programs from day one to harvest for every pond.

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