OceanMind began developing advanced technology to understand human activity on the ocean in 2013 as part of a collaboration between the UK’s Satellite Applications Catapult and the Pew Charitable Trusts. Using satellites, remote sensing, big data techniques, and artificial intelligence we bring together and analyse all of the data needed to understand vessel behaviour, such as fishing. By comparing this activity to the complex web of applicable rules and regulations, our algorithms highlight suspected non-compliance. OceanMind is a UK-based non-profit organisation that empowers enforcement and compliance to protect the world’s fisheries. Our work helps preserve marine biodiversity, protect livelihoods, and prevent slavery in the seafood industry.

We support government authorities and seafood buyers by providing expertise and knowledge paired with advanced technologies such as satellites and artificial intelligence to enable responsible sourcing and effective enforcement. Effective enforcement leads to deterrence and increased compliance. This combined with the power of the market choosing provably responsible sources, drives sustainability.

Every day, every member of the team is contributing to work that changes people’s lives and helps protect the oceans. In the past year we helped free slaves, strengthen compliance in all ocean basins, and monitor over 4 million square kilometers of protected ocean.

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