FishSens Technology is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Fondriest Environmental specializing in water quality monitoring technology tailored to fisheries research and aquaculture operations.

Founded in 2014 by product development engineer Trevin Fondriest, FishSens builds upon Fondriest Environmental’s extensive experience with water quality sensors and systems to provide comprehensive, cost-effective monitoring solutions. The result: streamlined operation, better management practices and ultimately healthier fish.

The FishSens product line includes water quality sensors, wireless data loggers, and data processing tools for real-time monitoring along with underwater cameras and inspection equipment for manual sampling. The company’s headquarters near Dayton, Ohio include the FishSens product design studio and manufacturing facilities for in-house production of system components.

Simple, lightweight deployment platforms with flexible communications and sensor options allow for quick deployment of multi-node monitoring networks in any environment at a fraction of the cost of traditional monitoring systems. Robust design means years of operation with minimal maintenance and downtime can be achieved. Configurable alerts set through an intuitive user interface eliminate complexity in relaying critical information to managing personnel.

Reliability, flexibility, simplicity – it all adds up to less time worrying about water quality and more time focusing on your operation.

FishSens Technology is here to help. Reach out to a knowledgeable representative via phone or email today to discuss your application.

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