Efice E-Catch

The E-Catch logbook is a local application at the pc onboard the vessel that serves as an Elogbook for the skippers. EFICE E-Catch meets al the legal requirements of the government for catch registration. The user can extend EFICE E-Catch with modules like a weighing system. EFICE E-CATCH is available in several languages so we can supply several counties with the EFICE E-Catch logbook.

Thanks to EFICE E-Catch the user easily registers his fish activities in his EFICE E-CATCH logbook, from departure to arrival and landing. The users register the daily catch in the EFICE E-CATCH logbook and sent this (daily) to the government. EFICE E-Catch is a time-saving and userfriendly application that is already used throwout various countries.

One of the strengths of EFICE E-CATCH is that once the user has filled in data that stays the same, the logbook defaults this data. Default data can be ports, fishing gear, mesh size, etc. By prefilling these data, the user spent less time registering his catch data. Fish species that or often caught are prefilled and show in the daily catch reports.

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