Big Ocean Data

Online vessel tracking, fleet management, port activity and maritime intelligence from our cost effective and user-friendly online vessel tracking platform. Take me to the Vessel Tracking and Management platform. The BigOceanData software platform is optimised for re-use by third parties making it ideal for organisations seeking a quick-to-market, low-risk, cost effective business solution. Tell us what you need. The company that today is BigOceanData began in the mid-1990s as one of the first organisations to explore the potential of vessel tracking technology. A software and systems integration specialist, our focus has always been to provide clients with the exact solution they require through bespoke development of our core data management and tracking software components.

Back then we pioneered the integration of Inmarsat-C and GPS to create one of the earliest deep ocean vessel tracking systems. That proved the springboard into providing asset tracking and management systems to a range of other industries as new technologies including AIS became widely available.

Since 2014, BigOceanData has concentrated on becoming a leading data integrator in the maritime sector serving many vertical markets from vessel fleet management through to maritime surveillance and security. Our success is based on maintaining strong, long-term relationships with our customers and our delivery partners in creating industry-leading solutions.

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Big Ocean Data
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