Autonomous Marine Systems

A 2013 Kickstarter campaign and supportive friends and family helped launch the business. The world’s first self righting sailing catamaran was born. DARPA and select customers in offshore energy followed soon after. In 2014, with funding from angel investors, AMS moved to Greentown Labs, Somerville Massachusetts and became a part of the premier robotics community clustered around MIT, WHOI and scores of established maritime institutions. In 2016 a Seed round funded development of the DATAMARAN Mark 7. AMS identified the Offshore Wind opportunity developing off the coast of New England. New folk came on board in 2017 and brought the company to its current complement of five full time employees. The crew pushed Mark 7 through sea trials of increasing complexity and endurance. 2018 was a breakout year with significant commercial traction. A competitive process resulted in the award of a Massachusetts state government grant which funded critical technology advancement. This helped drive revenue from development projects in the renewable energy, coastal monitoring and defense sectors. The trend continues in 2019. Customer requirements lead to the development of the next generation DATAMARAN, the Mark 8. The most advanced multi-hulled autonomous sailing platform is launched.

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Autonomous Marine Systems
United States
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