Simple on the surface, functional underneath.

Wholechain® is designed for simplicity and usability so our most powerful features are not what you see, but what happens under the surface.


Wholechain® offers both open source and permissioned blockchain options, but all of this happens in the background so there is no managing nodes, no managing keys and no crypto nonsense.

Interoperable Data Standards

Chain of custody records are confirmed on blockchain and based on the EPCIS format that aligns with GS1 and GDST standards.

Protecting Your Data

Wholechain® uses a cryptographic hash algorithm developed by the NSA to ensure data remains secure while maintaining trust between trading partners that data is authentic and tamper-evident.

Customizable Data Templates

Wholechain® allows you to customize the key data elements (KDEs) you capture for customer demands and regulatory compliance.

API & Integrations

Wholechain® is customizable to match your existing systems and processes, thus minimizing any burden on your business.

Made for humans

Your supply chain is made up of real people doing challenging work. Traceability shouldn’t be a science project.

Learn to use our app in minutes (not weeks)

Did you ever go to a “training class” to learn how to use email? Of course not. Why should traceability software be any different? Wholechain® is designed to be intuitive and accessible from the first use, and our always expanding help docs are available to help get you on your way so you can focus on more important things… like growing your business.

Customizable to match existing processes

The last thing you or your employees need is a forced change in process to allow for traceability. Wholechain® is designed to match your existing processes and trace products at whatever level of granularity (lot, batch or item) that is desired by you and your customers.

Available on any device

Not sure if you have the right hardware? Not a problem. Wholechain® is available for desktop and mobile, with native mobile apps for Android and soon to be iOS. We are also building ready to use integrations for popular WMS and ERP systems so you can use Wholechain™ with your existing software.

Other information
United States
Organization Type:
Aquaculture, Fisheries, Marketplace / E-commerce, Processing, Traceability
Operations Geography:

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