SafetyNet Technologies

SafetyNet Technologies develops Precision Fishing technology to help commercial fishermen catch their target species more consistently and sustainably.

We work across the sector with fishermen, scientists, suppliers and regulators to create user-centred solutions to issues currently faced by the industry. Our products include:

  • Pisces LED Light is a light-emitting device that attracts the fish fishermen mean to catch, and repels the ones they don’t. This increases the sustainability of commercial fishing by increasing selectivity and reducing bycatch.
  • CatchCam is an underwater video camera that allows fishermen to see what their fishing gear is doing underwater. It is a sturdy device that can be attached to trawl nets, creel pots, and other fishing gear to record videos and improve performance accordingly.
  • Launching in Autumn 2022: Enki is an underwater environment sensor. While currently on trial, this device will help fishermen better understand the underwater environment and how it is affecting their catch.We want fishing crews to feel confident in using our technology.
  • Enki is an underwater environment sensor. While currently on trial, this device will help fishermen better understand the underwater environment and how it is affecting their catch.

That’s why we run commercial and scientific trials on fishing vessels. During these trials, we work to increase scientific knowledge of bycatch reduction and collect direct feedback from fishermen to guide the design of our products.


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SafetyNet Technologies
United Kingdom
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