BIOLAN is a Basque Biotech SME with broad and proven experience in offering unique analytical solutions to the food industry, through the development of high-quality biosensors.

BIOLAN was founded on 2006 in response to a need in the agro-food industry of simple and reliable analysis tools. BIOLAN achieved an important milestone in its business strategy in 2009 when the first biosensor for measuring gluconic acid in grapes was marketed.

In 2012 BIOLAN launched to the market a new biosensor for histamine quantification in seafood (Biofish) and in 2013 the company has developed a biosensor for lactose quantification in delactosed dairy products (Biomilk).

Mission + Vision

BIOLAN is a biotechnology company with a global vocation that is committed to continuous innovation and whose main objective is the development, manufacture and marketing of comprehensive technological and analytical and diagnostic solutions, fundamentally based on biosensors, to quantify with maximum reliability and precision, molecules of interest in the agri-food and health fields , always ensuring to provide differentiated value in its products, attending to environmental sustainability and helping the digital transformation of all markets, with adiversified and competitive portfolio.

BIOLAN seeks to be a benchmark in applied analytical technology with a consolidated corporate brand, leading the market for Biosensors applied to the food sector with the ability to anticipate market needs to offer new solutions, equally robust and reliable, breaking through as a facilitator of transformation of the markets and positioning itself in different areas of Biodetection such as health , with effective solutions for the diagnosis of pathologies and monitoring of therapies, always in alignment with the Sustainable Development
Goals .


Applied Biosensory

R&D&I is a fundamental pillar at BIOLAN for the generation of new knowledge in the area of ​​biosensors and other analytical technologies applied to the field of quality and food safety, as well as health.

All of this, together with the implemented innovation management process, allows BIOLAN to convert ideas into highly innovative products with a high impact on the market, guaranteeing continuous innovation.

Connectivity and Data

Our biosensors are disruptive tools that combine different technologies, from biotechnology, electrochemistry, electronics, elements related to Big Data and Machine Learning strategies.

BIOLAN participates in European, state and regional projects related to the development of new diagnostic devices with application to the food quality and safety sector:

BIOLAN is open to both leading and participating in new research and innovation projects related to strategies of interest, both in the field of biosensoring, and in that of other analytical technologies, or health diagnosis, among others:

Other information
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Quality Verification
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