
Digitalisieren Sie die Datenerfassung in Echtzeit in der Fabrikhalle.

Tally funktioniert gut mit verschiedenen End-to-End-Workflows in Ihrem Unternehmen. Entdecken Sie, wie Funktionen wie künstliche Intelligenz und Kostenrechnung Ihnen dabei helfen, compliant und verantwortungsbewusst zu bleiben, und sehen Sie, wie die Funktionen von Tally zusammenspielen.

Asset Management

Print unique barcode labels for your assets and track their location whether they are fixed office equipment or mobile logistics units, such as bins or totes, for deliveries. Create a comprehensive asset inventory including serial numbers, purchase dates, condition and repair history.

Sales Orders

Digitization ensures that sales staff have accurate, real-time data on stock levels to ensure that when sales are made they can be fulfilled by production and logistic departments.

Lab Testing

Digitizing your sampling and lab testing will ensure that real-time results can be immediately shared with all relevant departments to ensure timely release or blocking of raw material and finished products in your cold storage or warehouse.

Cold Chain Monitoring

TallyTag is a wireless, remote temperature sensor that enables you to monitor the cold chain of your cold storage, production facility, shipping containers and delivery vehicles. It’s a flexible, scalable solution.


Mit Echtzeitdaten und automatisierten Berichten sind Sie schlauer und haben mehr Kontrolle


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